Animal Habitats

From frogs in a bog to bears in their lair, animal habitats are just plain fun. Children love to explore nature and most young students respond enthusiastically to lessons about animals. Teaching your elementary and middle school aged children about animal habitats provides an abundance of learning opportunities.

A Variety of Teaching Resources Help You Create Your Best Classroom

Children learn about biology and explore why certain animals live in their chosen habitats. It also teaches children about weather, earth sciences, and nature. It also provides teachers like you with an abundance of hands on learning opportunities. And you know how important it is to provide your students with an abundance of both book and "hands on" activities to appeal to a multitude of learning styles.

Let the resources at help you provide a rich learning experience in your classroom. From desert habitat units to animal adaptation lesson plans there's something for every teaching style and age group. Worksheets, printables and clip art help you add your own personal touch to established lesson plans as well. And don't forget to check out our list of resources, all provided by teachers like you with a desire to improve and enhance the classroom experience.