A kite is traditionally a tethered heavier-than-air craft with wing surfaces that react against the air to create lift and drag. A kite consists of wings, tethers, pulleys, and anchors. Kites often have a bridle to guide the face of the kite at the correct angle so the wind can lift it. Kites have been around for thousands of years and they are a part of many different cultures around the world.
Kites have a long and varied history and many different types are flown individually and at festivals worldwide. Kites may be flown for recreation, art or other practical uses. Sport kites can be flown in aerial ballet, sometimes as part of a competition. A wide variety of kite kits and kite accessories are available at department, hobby, and toy stores. You can even design and build your own kites.
While the forces on all kites are the same, each kite flies a little differently. Some kites are highly maneuverable and some kites are very stable. There are kites with multiple control lines that can perform stunts, while other kites can be flown to high altitudes.