Start of School Jokes: Part 1
Mother: How was your first day at school?
Son: It was all right except for some man called "Teacher" who kept spoiling all our fun !
I'm not going back to school ever again
Why ever not ?
The teacher doesn't know a thing, all she does is ask questions !
Fred came home from his first day at school. "Nothing exciting happened", he told his mother, "Except the teacher didn't know how to spell cat so I told her"
What are you going to be when you get out of school ?
An old man !
What did you learn in school today ?
Not enough, I have to go back tomorrow !
Mother: What did you learn in school today
Son: How to write
Mother: What did you write ?
Son: I don't know, they haven't taught us how to read yet !
Mother: What was the first thing you learned in class ?
Daughter: How to talk without moving my lips !
Teacher: What's big and yellow and comes in the morning to brighten a mothers day ?
Pupil: The school bus !
What's yellow, has wheels and lies on its back ?
A dead school bus !
How do bees get to school ?
By school buzz