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» Grammar
Commonly Confused Words: Vain vs. Vein vs Vane
Winter Adjectives: Shades of Meaning
1st Grade Sight Words
Abbreviation – Days of the Week
Abbreviations and Names of People
Abbreviations and States
Abbreviations and Street Names
Abbreviations for Measurements
Abbreviations – Months
Abstract and Concrete Nouns
According to Me
Action Verbs
Action Verbs and Linking Verbs
Add a Prefix
Add a Prepositional Phrase
Add an Appositive
Add an Independent Clause to a Dependent Clause
Add an Interjection
Add It! Prepositional Phrase as an Adjective
Add the Prepositions
Add the Quotation Marks
Adjective Antonyms
Adjective Synonyms
Adjectives Add Interest
Adjectives and Alliteration
Adjectives Can Change Articles
Adjectives, Adverbs and Articles
Adjectives: Which Noun Does It Describe?
Adventures With Alliteration! Nouns
Adverb Clauses in Sentences
All Abuzz About
Alphabet Collections: Adjectives
Alphabet Collections: Adverbs
An Adverb Can Tell How
An Adverb Can Tell When
An Adverb Can Tell Where
Analyzing Words with Context Clues
Animal Adjectives
Antonyms Are Opposites
Apostrophe Practice
Apostrophes and Possession
Apostrophes in Contractions
Appositives Match
Avoiding Word Errors: Definition Match
Brackets: Changing the Text
Break Apart the Compound Sentences
Capital Letters in Titles
Capital Letters: Geographical Places
Capital Letters: Holidays and Products
Capitalization in Sentences
Capitalization Practice
Capitalize It! First Letter of a Sentence
Capitalize Proper Nouns
Change a Positive Sentence
Change Adjectives into Adverbs
Change the Adjectives to Nouns
Change the Nouns to Verbs
Change the Predicate Adjectives
Change the Verbs to Adverbs
Check It Out!
Cherokee Language: Word Code Activity
Choose the Adjective
Choose the Homograph
Collective Nouns: Fill in the Blank
Colons and Lists
Colons and Time
Colons Used With Explanations
Colons: Introducing a Quotation
Color Shows Mood
Color the Birds: Nouns and Verbs
Color the Christmas Adjectives
Color the Halloween Adjectives
Color the Nouns: Airplane
Color the Nouns: Kite
Color the Nouns: Octopus
Color the Nouns: Tulips
Color the Nouns: Turtle
Color the Thanksgiving Adjectives
Color the Verbs: Cat
Color the Verbs: Tiger
Color the Verbs: Toucan
Color the Verbs: Trees
Color Words in Cursive
Comma with Yes and No
Commas and Coordinating Conjunctions
Commas and Direct Address
Commas and Introductory Elements: Clauses
Commas and Introductory Elements: Phrases
Commas and Introductory Elements: Words
Commas in a Series
Common and Proper Nouns
Common Prepositions
Comparative Adverbs
Comparative or Superlative?
Complete Sentences: Missing Subjects
Complete Sentences: Missing Verbs
Compound Predicates
Compound Sentences vs. Complex Sentences
Compound Words Worksheet
Compound Words: All Mixed Up!
Compound Words: Make Your Own
Conclusion Checklist
Confusing Words: Which Is Correct?
Conjunction Worksheet: And
Conjunction Worksheet: Or
Contractions in Negative Forms
Cook Up a Story!
Correct It!
Correcting Comma Splices
Correcting Double Negatives
Correcting Mistakes: Rewrite the Sentences
Correlative Conjunctions Worksheet
Create a Collective Noun
Creating Compound Sentences
Cursive Alphabet Worksheets: A-Z
Dates and Capital Letters
Demonstrative Pronouns
Describe it with Adjectives
Diagramming Sentences Practice: Conjunctions
Dictionary Abbreviations: Do You Know?
Dictionary Game: Definitions
Direct and Indirect Objects
Directional Prepositions
Discovering the Elements of the Story
Dot, Dot, Dot: The Ellipsis
Eating With Adverbs
Editing Checklists
Editing Symbols: Matching
Ending Punctuation
Evaluating Text: My Life
Exclamation Points And Periods
Exclamation Points and Quotation Marks: Inside or Outside?
Expand It! Writing Complex Sentences
Explain the Hyperbole
Extra! Extra!
Fact vs. Opinion: Do You Know Elephants?
Find the Abstract Nouns
Find the Collective Noun
Find the Conjunction
Find the Definition
Find the Interjection
Find the Main Idea: Dolphins
Find the Meaning from the Text
Find the Misplaced Modifiers
Find the Object Complement
Find the Root Word
Find the Subordinate Clause
Find What the Adjective Describes
Finding the Meaning with Clue Words
Fix the Sentences
Fix the Story With Antonyms
Functions and Uses of Infinitives
Functions of a Gerund
Further vs Farther Practice
Geometry - Area of Polygons Worksheet
Halloween Spiders: Make a Word
Halloween: Color the Long A Sounds
Helping Verbs
Homophones Worksheet
Hot Diggity Dog Every Day Edit
How to Change an Adjective to an Adverb
Hyphenation in Line Breaks
Hyphens and Numbers
Hyphens and Prefixes
Identify the Predicate Activity
Identify the Synonym
Identifying Adjectives
Identifying Nouns
Identifying Prepositions
Improving Word Choices
Indefinite Pronouns
Interrogative Pronouns
It's and Its Practice
Italics and Underlining for Titles
I’m a Can-Do Writer!
Make It Great
Make Prepositional Phrases
Make the Spelling Corrections
Making Compound Words
Match the Prefix and Root
Match the Sentence and the Punctuation
Measurement Abbreviations
Missing Commas in Paragraphs
Missing Nouns
Misused Verbs - Will, Would
Misused Verbs - Wishful Was, Were
Misused Verbs – Can, May
Misused Verbs – Sit, Sat, Set
Misused Verbs – There is, are
More Numbers: Write the Words
Noun Clauses: Acting as a Noun
Nouns and Verbs Ending in Y
Nouns and Verbs: Use It Two Ways
Nouns as Indirect Objects
Nouns that are Also Verbs
Numbers in Text: Make It Clear
Opposite Words
Opposite Words: Adjectives Antonym Worksheet
Order of Adjectives: Add Another
Order of Adjectives: Circle the Correct One
Order of Adjectives: Fill in the Blank
Order of Adjectives: Write a Sentence
Paint a Picture With Words!
Parts of Speech: Matching
Passive Voice to Active Voice
Periods and Capitalization
Periods and Quotation Marks: Inside or Outside?
Personal Pronouns
Phrasal Verbs and Prepositions
Pick the Meaning
Pick the Pronoun
Picturing Prepositions
Playground Antonyms
Plot Actions Helper
Plural Noun Worksheet: S or ES?
Possessive Pronouns
Predicate Adjective or Not?
Prepositional Phrases that Work as Adjectives
Prepositions and Objects
Prepositions Can Show Position in Space
Proper Adjectives
Proper Names and Capital Letters
Proper Names and Capital Letters: People and Places
Proper Nouns
Properly Capitalized Nouns
Punctuation - Using the Slash in Writing
Punctuation Match: Symbols and Words
Punctuation: Match the Symbols
Question Marks and Periods
Quotation Marks vs. Italics or Underlining
Relative Clauses: Breaking Apart
Relative Clauses: What Is It Modifying?
Replace with Proper Nouns
Semicolon and Independent Clauses
Sentence Construction
Sentence Diagramming Guide
Sentence Diagramming Practice
Sentence Diagramming: Basic Practice
Sentence Diagramming: Helping Verbs
Sentence Diagramming: Infinitives
Sentence Diagramming: Words in a Series
Sentence Writing: Conjunctions!
Sentences and Periods
Sentences: Pronouns as Adjectives
Sentences: Simple or Compound?
Singular and Plural Nouns
Sort the Common and Proper Nouns
Spelling Rule Exceptions: I Before E
Spice Up Your Writing
Spot Them! Correct Conjunctions
St. Patrick's Day Abbreviations
Starting a Sentence With a Number
Subject and Predicate
Subject and Predicate Activity Tiles
Subject Verb Agreement: Verbs! Verbs! Verbs!
Super Support!
Thanksgiving Alphabetize This!
Thanksgiving Dinner: Nouns, Pronouns and Verbs
Thanksgiving Idioms
Thanksgiving Pie: Make a Word
Thanksgiving Synonym Match
Thanksgiving: Add the Nouns and Adjectives
Thanksgiving: Color the Short E Sounds
Thanksgiving: Word Changes
The Case of the Missing Commas
The Dash as Punctuation: Interruptions
The Dash as Punctuation: Substitutions
The Ellipsis for Omitting Text
The Ellipsis to Show a Pause
The First Thanksgiving Reading Comprehension
The Heart of the Matter
The Important Apostrophe: You're and Your
Then vs. Than - Commonly Confused Words
There, Their, and They’re
Time to Wrap It Up
Title of Works: Quotation Marks vs. Italics or Underlining.
To Be Verbs
Trick or Treat Halloween Activity
Understanding Compound Words
Using Antonyms for Context Clues
Using Better Verbs
Using Collective Nouns
Using Nouns as Adjectives
Using Parentheses in Writing: Dates, Numbers and Acronyms
Using Semicolons in a Series
Using the Colon
Using the Dictionary: Guide Words
Using Titles in Text
Verb or Not a Verb?
Verb Tense Stories
VOCAB-u-lous Worksheets
What Are the Big Letters?
What Kind Of Dependent Clause Is It?
What's the Predicate Adjective?
What’s Being Compared?
What’s the Effect?
What’s the Suffix?
Which One? Correct Periods
Who Is a Character?
Why Do We Need Pronouns
Word Discovery
Word Lists: Write a Sentence
Word Meaning Game
Words That End in Y
Write a Complex Sentence
Write a Compound Sentence
Write a Noun for the Adjective
Write with Phrasal Verbs
Writing Limericks
Writing Practice: Quotation Marks
Writing Prepositional Phrases
Writing Starters
Writing with Gerunds
Writing with Interjections
Writing with Noun Clauses